
Sponsor Research with Georgia Tech

Why Partner with Georgia Tech Pediatric Innovation Network?

Commitment to Pediatrics Driven Directly By Clinical Needs and Developed with the Nation’s Top Engineering Expertise


Leadership In Pediatric Innovation​

We are committed to being the leader in technology solutions for pediatrics. Our team is dedicated to addressing the gaps in pediatrics by investing resources in multidisciplinary research - from manufacturing orphan pediatric devices to standing up programs to solve clinicians’ problems quickly, and ultimately testing new products in our living laboratories to reduce your time from lab to market.


Research And Engineering Excellence

Access the best minds and groundbreaking research of Georgia Tech and its many partners to help advance your industry leadership position. Develop custom, strategic relationships today with faculty, researchers, students, and partners who are creating the innovations of tomorrow.

Agreements That Work For All

Georgia Tech offers contract agreements that enable U.S. companies and our researchers to engage at all stages of R&D. We encourage innovation, advance knowledge, and serve the public interest.


Industry Engagement That Accelerates Pediatric Innovation

Be a part of revolutionary work being done at Georgia Tech and establish long-lasting, mutually beneficial university-corporate partnerships. Our Industry Engagement office will work together with campus innovators and industry partners to move new technologies and discoveries out of Georgia Tech and into the mainstream of the U.S. economy. They will work with businesses, faculty, staff, and students to create mutually beneficial partnerships that accelerate innovation and create lasting impact and offer a range of agreement types that streamline the contracting process and provide straightforward intellectual property terms.